Hybrid Conference

International Conference on Healthcare Disparities and Disability (ICHDD - 25)

17th - 18th March 2025 | Seoul, South Korea
Sample Abstract
Conference Brochure
Sample Full Paper

Journal Publication

Publication Opportunity:
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in a conference proceedings e-book with ISBN..
  • All accepted full papers have the opportunity to be published in reputable international journals indexed by various databases, subject to terms and conditions and selection by the Scientific Editorial and Reviewer Committee.
  • All papers will receive international exposure and scientific feedback from scholars around the world during the conference.
Areas of Importance in Journal Publication:
  • Select the most appropriate journal for your paper based on its aims, scope, and guidelines.
  • Prepare your manuscript to conform to the journal's requirements and guidelines, including language and grammar checks.
  • Ensure the language, flow, and scholarly writing style of the paper are of key importance, and consider adding an international flavor to your submission.
  • Follow academic ethics and avoid plagiarism.
  • Pay attention to the quality of graphics and artwork, and format the reference list according to the preferred referencing style of the journal.
Benefits of Journal Publication:
  • Receive guidance and support to prepare your manuscript according to journal requirements.
  • Benefit from comprehensive review comments and opportunities to improve your paper.
  • Enjoy the peace of mind of leaving the submission and publication process to the Research Plus team, with its years of experience dealing with leading academic journals.
  • Advance your career through journal publications and support for your undergraduate or postgraduate studies.
Publication in International/National Journals by Research Plus:: :
  • Research Plus holds the exclusive right to choose papers from conferences for publication in International Journals.
  • Submission to Scopus/SCI Indexed Journal: At the written request of the author, Research Plus may submit the paper to any non-Research Plus international journal indexed in Scopus or SCI. In this case, the author must bear the full cost of publication, which varies depending on the journal. This process can take anywhere from 3 to 12 months.
  • Payments made for conference attendance will not be refunded if the registered paper is not selected for a Scopus or SCI-indexed journal, or if the author chooses not to publish in a Research Plus associated international journal after the conference
  • Research Plus may accept a paper from its conferences or affiliated conferences for publication in a Research Plus affiliated international journal after the authors have made at least 20% revisions to the paper.
  • It typically takes Research Plus a minimum of 25 to 60 days to complete the second round of review for affiliated international journals after the conference
  • All Research Plus affiliated international journals are approved by the ISSN.
  • Authors must pay for a hard copy of the journal when receiving it.
  • The editorial board holds the right to reject any paper for publication in the international journal after the second round of review (post-conference/seminar). If the paper is rejected, no refund will be given for the conference registration fee.

Indexed By

International Conferences